3 Row Spiked and Studded Leather Decorative Collar
Have you decided to replace your old walking gear for a really awesome designer collar, which at the same time will cope with the energy of your Pitbull? We have a great offer for you! This Genuine Leather Dog Collar with studs and spikes is claimed to be a stylish accessory, yet remains a functional and strong tool suitable for your dog's everyday life. It is constructed of a high-end genuine leather and rust-resistant brass and nickel plated steel, so it will last a lifetime of your doggie. Why not choose this reliable, comfortable and trendy collar?
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Pitbull Top Quality Leather Walking Dog Collar
Heavy Duty Leather Dog Collar Hits the Dog's Fancy!
Main characteristics of this Pitbull Collar: - top quality materials
- durable, still soft leather
- nickel plated fittings
- 2 rows of nickel-plated spikes
- 1 row of brass half ball studs
- hand crafted
| Spheres of this Pitbull Collar: - dog walking
- easy handling
Sizes available: | Colors: |
How to measure your Pitbull for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be the total of 5 holes and the distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not significantly).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
Please, learn the feature characteristics of this dog leather collar:
It is a showy dog collar, your furry companion will never stay without heightened attention with it on his neck. It is luxuriously decorated with 2 rows of nickel plated spikes and 1 row of brass circle studs to accentuate your pet’s strength and ability to hold his own in a dangerous situation. Each spike and stud are reliably fixed with rivet for you not to worry that they will fall off.
It is also extra durable dog training collar. Made of full grain genuine leather, this awesome design gear fits perfectly the lifestyle of active canines. Oiled leather will retain its flexibility and strength for a long time.
Due to the enough width of the item, it sits perfectly on Pitbull neck creating no discomfort to your dog. A special technique of finishing the edges makes them rounded to prevent cutting into the dog's skin. Besides, it is known that the more leather is used the softer it becomes.
It is easy to control your pet with this handy equipment, as it has strong fittings. The buckle and the D-ring, along with the decorative elements, are resistant to corrosion and rust not to lose their shiny appearance.
- Do not leave your pet uncontrolled wearing Choke Collar because he may get injured.
- Choose the size of the Collar properly to prevent any problems with dog’s health.
- It is not recommended to use this Choke Collar on puppies and small dog breeds.
Feedback from Jaclyn:
Dear store,
I order your S55 - Leather Spiked Dog Collar. We just received the collar and I wanted to let you know not only is it beautiful but the quality is outstanding. We were looking at a local pet store for a dog collar that would have cost slightly less than yours (with shipping), but as far as looks and quality, your product was in a completely different class. Not only were my expectation exceeded with the collar but, your customer service was excellent as well. Thank you for delivering such a unique, quality product. When I need anything else for my pet, I will be visiting your website to see it you supply it before I go to the pet store.
General "Woof" Collar Tip: We constantly think, test, experiment and improve our products, so you can have the most updated versions which will give you and your beloved pet a new reason to be happy
Pitbull Collars, spiked dog collars, leather dog collars, studded collars, best dog collars, nylon dog collar, padded dog collars for Pitbulls - Custom Collars,Choke Collars,Training Collars,Walking Collars

Non destructible ID Tag Metal Tube
Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier
After biologists studied wolves in their natural habitat some ideas were revised including the one about a strict linear hierarchy. In 1999 and 2000 articles like “Alpha Status, Dominance and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs” and “Leadership in Wolf, Canis lupus, Packs” were published (respectively) to correct the misinformation. However the alpha theory had been already popular and because of the dog’s close relation to wolves, the concept was later applied to them. Unfortunately, in the media violence sells, which is why a broadcasting station would opt to show a trainer using dominance training as a pose to showing a trainer that takes the time to figure out what the problem is and that uses a steady pace to solve it. Another problem is that people usually want something fast and something easy, dominance training doesn’t take much thinking, just some dominating; whereas positive training methods take time and one has to really understand the dog’s point of view to fix a problem. We now know that those first studies also contained a bit of bias when forming their conclusion. The linear hierarchy strongly resembles the structure of human society. Those that prospered in the competitive market were those that were unafraid and more dominating against their competitors. In short, everything was about competition; it is interesting how the dominance model also was about competition for a ‘top rank’. Even though dogs and wolves are highly intelligent in their own respects, they lack the capacity for thinking in abstract terms such as ranks. They would have to know their rank and that of others and evaluate their own rank against others in the pack. Also at times new wolves came into packs and some left, not to mention that there have been packs that contained a great number of wolves. All that comparing and contrasting would be difficult even for a human!
Before we move on to some of the other reasons why the alpha theory doesn’t work it is important to define some terms in order to avoid confusion. Let us start with dominance and leadership. Those two words sound almost synonymous but the fact is that they are not the same thing. Dominance is defined by the ‘relationship between two animals established by force/aggression and submission to determine who has access to resources’, while leadership is defined by the ‘ability to influence others to do things they wouldn’t normally do’. Leadership can indeed be gained without the use of force or aggression. By creating clear boundaries and guidelines which are regularly enforced and making it clear that you are in control over the resources you give (e.g. food, attention, etc) one can start to establish leadership....to continue reading this article please click on here...
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D