Leather Harness with quick release buckles
Heavy duty full leather Protection harness. This is truly beautiful piece of hand made working dog equipment! One of the best available harnesses. The Pitbull agitation harness is some of the most functional and handsome on the market today. Made for agitation or protection work our agitation harness is built for strength and comfort. Our agitation harness is expertly crafted to provide maximum strength and durability. A precisely designed breast plate is lined with extra thick felt to offer supreme comfort for your dog and to absorb the shock of a strong dog hitting during bite work. Specially built for the stress of agitation work. The dog harness is designed to fit almost any sized working dogs. It's five way adjustable so you can adjust it to fit to your dogs dimensions.
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Super practical and heavy-duty Pitbull harness
Pitbull handmade leather harness with upper control durable handle
Designer leather harness fits the dog perfectly
Once all straps are adjusted, the dog harness can be quickly put on the dog by using only one buckle and strap. This harness is handmade from high quality, heavy duty strong leather. It is flexible and will not rub or wear into the skin of your dog.

Designed so the resistance is on the shoulders and not on the throat our agitation harness allows dogs to bark and track in free way and still be restrained enough. Straps are 1 1/4" wide, and assembled using capped rivets for extra durability. Made of finest quality soft and strong leather with strong nickel plated buckles and rings that won't rust for long life. D ring is stitched and rivetted so it won't pull out. This heavy duty Protection harness is valuable tool for agitation work, designed to withstand the rigors of professional K9 duties. Our Protection harness will quickly become your favorite trial or training equipment!

Key features of this Pitbull Dog Harness: - Full grain genuine leather
- Beautifully crafted
- Four-way adjustable straps
- Thick felt padding for ultimate comfort
- Wide breast plate and straps
- Quick release buckle
- Be in control handle (option)
- Polished brass fitting (option)
- Long life
| Intended use of this Pitbull Dog Harness: - Walking, Running, Hiking
- Obedience training
- Leash and off leash training/activities
- Agitation work
- Effective in controlling APBT dogs
Sizes available: - Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra large
| Available colors: |
Check how this harness looks on Pitbull / Our Video

Feedback from Pitbull owner:
Dear Dan,
Thank you so much for the agitation/ protection harness. I have a 75 lb pitbull that loves to pull and he has broke every harness I have bought him in 4 years. I have a good feeling your leather harness with the breast plate will last a long time. It was nice to find a website with items specifically for the American pitbull terrier that doesn't promote fighting. Thank you.
From :Lauren, USA.
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...to start reading this and the other useful articles from the beginning please click on here...One of the most renowned pet vaccination experts believes that once a test yields strong titers, you need not test again. Does a weak titer mean that the dog needs a “booster” shot? Maybe not for dogs that have previously shown strong titers. Many experts say the dog’s immune system will have produced “memory cells” that will produce antibodies when they’re needed. Think of memory cells as reserve forces. When known foreigners invade, they remember how to attack them.Read more about memory cells here. Should I test my puppy?Yes! If so, when? Ideally, puppies should have had their last vaccination after 16 weeks of age then should be tested to see if further vaccination is necessary. There’s an excellent discussion about testing puppies in the 2006 American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Canine Vaccine Task Force Report (page 13) entitled What Are The Possible Applications of Serologic Testing?It reads,“Such titer testing is the only way to ensure that a puppy has developed an immune response after vaccinating.” What do titer tests cost?Testing costs vary widely from practice to practice, so shop around. Some vets do in-house testing. Others use outside labs. Some mark up tests and services a little; others, a lot. You should be able to have Parvo/distemper tests done most places for less than $100. Rabies tests, on the other hand, can cost considerably more, in large part because they are sent overnight to a lab. (Ask your vet to have a Titer Testing Day so that they can send multiple tests in one package and save considerably on shipping costs.) When comparative shopping, make sure pricing includes blood draw and shipping. Wait! Before jumping to the conclusion that vaccinating is much cheaper than testing, remember that testing can be a one-time (or at least rare) expense and is no riskier than any simple blood draw. Vaccinating, on the other hand, can potentially cause a lifetime of illness. Should I test for rabies antibodies?The rabies titer test will give you an indication of your dog’s immunity if he or she is at particular risk for contracting rabies. It may also be required prior to international travel. Test results will NOT be accepted by Animal Control and most others as a substitute for vaccination of healthy dogs as required by law. If your dog has documented health problems or documented adverse reactions to shots, your vet may be able to get your dog an exemption to rabies vaccination. A rabies titer test is not usually necessary when requesting an exemption but may be useful when re-applying for a denied exemption. It may also give you and others piece of mind if you’re contemplating an exemption. (Note: a French challenge study has shown rabies vaccination gives immunity for at least five years. In the U.S, the Rabies Challenge Fund is doing concurrent tests for five years and seven years to extend the period between shots. This important nonprofit study is funded solely by donations from dog lovers like you.) Can I test titers immediately after vaccinating?To get an accurate test, you must wait at least 14 days after vaccination before testing. What if your vet, groomer, spouse, best friend, kennel owner or day care proprietor says titer testing is “voodoo science,” that your dog needs continued vaccination even if testing indicates otherwise?Know that vets out of school longer than 10 years received little or no immunology or vaccinology training in school; they shouldn’t be considered experts unless they’ve devoted hundreds of hours to research and training. Others who want to influence you may have no training at all and may be acting out of fear. Do your own research and advocate for your dog.
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