You are offered original Chrome Plated Fur Saver Collars - 3mm Medium Link

Pitbull Chrome Plated Fur Saver Collars-3mm Medium Link
Herm sprenger Fur savers collars are popular for medium and large breed breed with plush coats!
Oval shaped links do not pull the hair on the Pitbull neck.
collars Links also can be clipped back on dead on various links which works best for growing puppies and showing German shepherds.
Size is measured end to end including the ring.
To offer the correct size, measure your Pitbull neck and add two-three inches.
Make sure you add enough to go over your Pitbull head.
General Pinch/Prong Collar Related Information : For many years top trainers have relied on Herm Sprenger quality, we are pleased to be able to bring to you the entire line of Herm Sprenger Fursaver collars. Get the Strength of a Stainless Steel Collar. start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....Put them in your car roll down the windows, turn the air conditioner on high and put them directly in front of it to start cooling them down. Take precautions and prevent heat exhaustion Keep these tips in mind to help prevent heat exhaustion: - Taking frequent breaks gives your dogs body time to catch up and effectively regulate the heat that is already built up in their system. - Wiping some water on their bellies will help keep them cool as the air flows around them as they move. - Try exercising in the cooler parts of the day like early morning or in the evening. Learn More about Heat Exhaustion The best way to prevent your dog from over heating is to learn more about heat exhaustion. Call your vet and ask them for information. Most vets have information booklets about heat exhaustion see if your vet does too. As you know the Internet is an excellent way to find information on any subject. Canine heat exhaustion isn't any different. Do a search one Google for "heat exhaustion in dogs" or "canine heat exhaustion information" to find out more detailed and specific information. Pit Bull Health Tip: Do You Know What to Do When Your Dog is Choking? Your dog staggers into the room and you notice they aren't making any noises and they look like they are in distress. It hits you as fast as speeding bullet, Your dog is choking to death! What do you do? 1. Call the vet? 2. Reach down their throat and try to grab the item? 3. Watch as your dog struggles for their life right in front of you? 4. Quickly and calming administer doggy CPR, remove the object and take them to the vet? What was your answer? continue reading this article please click on here...