Hidden sleeve made of extra strong french linen material.
Left or right.For the training of service and police dogs.
This hidden sleeve is made in our family workshop. During training you should put this hidden sleeve under garments.
What are 2 necessary parts of every k-9 police unit? Yes, right those are hidden sleeve and good quality muzzle.

While non police dogs are not trained to bite person in civil clothes, police dogs must be tested to verify they will actually bite someone that is not wearing a training sleeve or body bite suit.
Most of Schutzhund trained dogs will not bite person in civil clothes. Dog with sport background will chase subject constantly looking for sleeve to bite.
Be aware to the fact that simply putting hidden sleeve under clothes will not make your dog prepared but it is for sure essential of preparation to achieve solution. Make sure to complete additional defensive training with experienced helper.

To make it right purchase our hidden sleeve which is for sure one of the best available today worldwide.
You should be qualified to this special kind of training, if you are new to this kind of training, please make sure to do it with good instructor
You need also courage and it is better to have good handler on the other end of the leash during this activity.

Testing of guard abilities (section C) The most number of points following the results of all the exercises from this section is 100. Exercise 1. Search for the assistant This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to first-order testing. The most number of points accrued is 5. Testing of guard abilities of the dog is the most responsible examination for pit bull terrier, especially if there is an intention of using the dog for military and police work. Exercise 2. Designation and bark This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to first-order testing. The difference is that the barking at the assistant lasts for 30 seconds. The most number of points accrued is 15. Exercise 3. Search of the assistant and pursuit of him for attempted escape. This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to testing of II degree. The most number of points accrued is 15. Exercise 4. Assistant escort This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to testing of II degree. The most number of points accrued is 5. Exercise 5. Detention of the assistant while his running This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to first-order testing; however the dog is laid on the runaway trail after his coming off at the distance of 70 m. Besides, the dog must be near the assistant during 30 seconds. The most number of points accrued is 20 Exercise 6. Escort on one side This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to first-order testing. The most number of points accrued is 5. Exercise 7. Testing of guard abilities (courage check) Basic performing rules are the same as during the testing of degree II. The difference is that the assistant must appear in the field of dog’s vision 70 m apart from it. Once the dog pays attention to the assistant, he runs away, moving in the direct line. As soon as he overcomes 10 m, he should face the dog and runs back to meet it. The assistant beats the dog with a whip 2 times: one blow is before it grasps him, the other- after the grasp. The dog must be near the assistant for 30 seconds. The most number of points accrued is 35. The program “ Fartenhunde” ( I degree) This program level contains the sequence of exercises from 3 divisions: A –trace work; B- obedience; C –testing of guard abilities. Trace work (division A) 1.5 hour before this testing the trace line (unfamiliar trail) 1.5 km long is laid within the ground. The route is to contain 7 angles; among them 6 angles, 90 ° each, the seventh is 45 °
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