offers high quality bag of extra strong water proof synthetic material for Pitbull trainers.
Carry tracking lines, tracking articles, bite tugs, balls, gloves, sleeves, scratch pants and anything else you may need in training your dogs.
There is a big extra pocket in each bag!
The great thing about our bag is that you can carry it in different ways due to regular handles and wide comfortable middle strap which can be easily removed when needed.

Dog Training Equipment Bag for Pitbull trainers
- Length - 28 inch (70cm)
- Width - 16 inch (40cm)
- Height - 14 inch (35cm)
Carry Up To 3 Sleeves, Scratch Pants, many tugs, and dozen of other training items with our bag!
Looking for Helpers bag(K-9 GEAR BAG), dog training Gear Bag?
please consider our Nylon equipment bag ideal for the assistants and decoy dog trainers.
General "Woof" Tip: Want to make extra money? We offer wholesale prices. It can be perfect opportunity for you to make some extra income easy – out products well known and you just have to show it to your friends so they will want it. to start reading this article please click on here...All dogs should be properly socialized. Having a well socialized dog in your home means your friends and family will enjoy coming over and look forward to seeing your dog as well as you, while your furry friend can enjoy the company of other canines and go out into the world with a relaxed attitude. On the other hand, a poorly socialized dog can intimidate visitors and make going places a hassle. If you don't socialize your dog, both of you will endure a more stressful existence. Why Socialize Your Pit Bull? Socialization is particularly important for pit bulls. The reasons for this can be divided into three categories: • Strength and speed. • Tendency toward dog aggression. • Breed reputation.
Strength and Speed
The pit bull is possibly the champion athlete of the dog world. Without question, it's one of the breeds capable of doing the most damage in the shortest amount of time to a perceived enemy. As with all large, powerful breeds that can do a lot of damage quickly, pit bull owners have a greater duty to look out for the safety of others. Tendency Toward Dog Aggression Certainly not all pit bulls are dog aggressive, but the potential exists to a somewhat greater degree than in many breeds. Pits are hardly alone in this, but again, all owners of breeds with a tendency toward dog aggression have an extra responsibility when it comes to socializing their dog.
Breed Reputation
If your Corgi attacks the neighbor's Chihuahua, or your Cocker Spaniel takes a bite out of a jogger's leg, odds are no one will immediately begin calling for the dog's euthanasia. It's certain no one will succeed in using one incident to launch a worldwide campaign to eliminate Corgis or Cocker Spaniels. But pit bull owners have to worry about calls to "put down" their dogs even when they are clearly not the aggressors in a given situation, and there's already a worldwide campaign to eliminate our breed. Even aggressive posturing can contribute to the negative perception of the breed as a whole, or put your dog in a bad situation. Put all these issues together, and it's easy to understand why it's so important to socialize your pit bull.
When to Begin Socialization
In most situations, the correct answer to "When should socialization begin?" is "Right away!"..
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