offers 1 1/2 inch wide handmade GENUINE LEATHER DOG COLLAR with plates for Pitbull
Dog Collar Info:
- will fit dogs with neck size 18 inch - 32 inch (45 cm - 80 cm), make sure to choose correct size
- 1 1/2'' wide
- Perfect For Handling small, medium and LargeĀ dogs like Pitbull.
- Collar Is Made With Attractive Plates
- Selected Leather
- Plates are hand set with rivets.
- Hand set rivets secure the steel buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash.)
- This collar has 5 holes
- Available in Black, TanĀ and Brown colors

GENUINE LEATHER DOG COLLAR 1 1/2'' wide for Pitbull
General "Woof" Collar Tip: Is your dog still a puppy? Well I always recommend to get one of our economic solution collars. Plain nylon or leather adjustable collar which is not too wide(probably up to 1 1/4 (30 mm) wide). We make very nice low price good quality leather dog collars. Please note, that when you get some products while your dog is not fully grown, it might lead to the situation when your dog will outgrow a collar.This is why it is preferable to provide age and breed of your dog when you place the collar order. . start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....Allergy
Continuous nasal discharge and frequent sneezing of the pet can be produced by allergy. In this case veterinary aid will be necessary, i.e. during very severe allergic attack, dog may have intense laryngeal and eye edemas.
There are many reasons for emergence of allergy.
Primarily it is dust, which origin may be different. It can be contained in the air or lie on bookcases.
Microscopic coat of dust cover all the objects surrounding us. Insignificant stirring of the air makes the dust immediately rise; during inhalation it gravitates to the lungs and causes strongest irritation. Pollen and spores of mold, sometimes available in damp and cold premises, produce much the same effect.
The other reasons of allergy in dogs can be quills, wool and drug preparations that are beyond some dogsā endurance.
The main allergic symptoms in the animals are strong irritation, restlessness, aversion to food. The animals scratch themselves with the claws trying to settle down the irritation, at that tearing out the hair, scribbling the skin and bringing the infection in blood.
In order to release pit bull terrier from allergy, specialists advise to assume the following measures:
- make the dog applications or put it into a bath with cold water and get it sit there some time. It will reduce the irritation and calm the pet down;
- add antihistamines to food of the dog. If doing this all the time, in dribblets, it is possible to prevent allergy. So, regular use of antihistamines may be considered a prophylaxis. A veterinarian should assign medicaments to the dog, because identical preparations can be inappropriate for every dog, especially those made for people;
- add special supplements designed for treatment of skin diseases to food of the dog at the first symptoms of the disease. They will remove irritation; however before acquiring and using them, one should anyway consult a veterinarian. The doctor will be likely to recommend more effective preparations;
- in summer, during blooming period, when the air is filled with anther dust, one had better keep the dog suffering from allergy indoors even if it ingested antihistamines in advance;
- downy featherbeds, carpet roll, heavy bedights and curtains not only winterize accommodation but also accumulate various dust which is difficult sometimes to vacuum-clean or take away with a wet napkin. That is why it is better to manage the dog in a room containing minimum furniture where dust lies long. continue reading this article please click on here...