Looking for K9 Pro Leather Dog Harness for your Pitbull.
Please consider our Leather padded dog harness for training,working and schutzhund dogs!
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K9 Pro Leather Dog Harness for PitbullGeneral "Woof" Tip: Dog training equipment made to serve longer than everyday gear. To achieve this, special production techniques and best materials should be used. We take into account whole picture but don’t forget about small details. When you purchase our products you give your dog a very big “a little” extra.
Check how this harness looks on Pitbull / Our Video
Hight quality Heavy duty full leather Protection dog harness.
One of the best available harnesses.
The dog agitation harness is some of the most functional and handsome on the market today .
Made for agitation or protection work this agitation harness is built for strength and comfort.
Also this Leather Dog Harness is expertly crafted to provide maximum strength and durability.
A precisely designed breast plate is lined with extra thick felt to offer supreme comfort for your Pitbull and to absorb the shock of a strong dog hitting during bite work.
Specially built for the stress of agitation work.
The dog harness is designed to fit almost any sized working dogs.
It's five way adjustable so you can adjust it to fit to your dogs dimensions.

...to start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....According to contribution of London newspaper “London life” from 19 July 1821, dog fighting was a very popular event over all England. It was reported that the arenas designed for dog fighting in Duck-Lane, Westminster and London were very often visited. Visiting days were every Monday and every Wednesday evenings. The paper informed that on Wednesday 23May 1816 there was a battle at maximum rates. Attendance at such great arrangement cost spectators 2 shillings for entrance ticket. Such big interest was arisen primarily due to participation of 11- year-old dog that was a winner of previous 30 competitions (!), but also participation of 4-5 favorites in the fight against two-year-old, in what connection bat rate ranged up to incredible 50 guineas – it was a kinglike sum then. In 1855 one young Irishman thinking that he killed a person during scuffle, escaped from Walsall to Ireland (Waterford). Despite the sudden escape he however managed to take along a female named Lille, whose weight was 28 pounds. Then this dog was considered the best one in Ireland. In 1857 this young man carried away red dog named Mick from Walsall; this dog was a winner among the dogs weighting 48kg. Litter of Mick and Lille was merely snatched away, and so a new genetic line was created and named “Old Family”. Take a detailed look at import and development of pit bull terrier in America. Right after “potato starvation” many emigrants arrived from Ireland. Emigrants from counties Cork and Kerry took along pure-bred dogs known as “Old Family”. Purity of blood line was so apparent that breeders working on a separate line hardly took another blood line for one and the same breed! The dogs belonging to “Old Family” had mainly red color of hair and mated only among themselves. But as far close genetic pool of the same type is known to be somewhere, it is very easy to be unable to make head or tail of recessive characters, because dominance being once thrown away, do not appear anymore. As red recessive color with all tints (except white color) is peculiar to whole “Old Family”, it acquired the other name “Old Family Reds”. Dogs of “Old Family” who later gave “Old Family Reds” and “Old Family Red-nosed” were in great demand. Farther arrival of Irish emigrants only increased number of these elite dogs. So, famous boxer in heavy category Jim Corcoran arrived to America for match with Swedish champion John L. Sullivan and stayed to copper in Boston. His knowledge and qualities of his dogs provided him a seat of honor in APBT history. The first great rattler provoked by “red nose” took place in 1900, when famous breeder William J. Lightner using blood line “Old Family Reds” got the dogs with red nose, who displayed unbelievable ability to fight and by the same token made himself a name. Meanwhile the first person who started practicing the name “Old Family Red-nosed” was Dan McCoy. He was all-absorbing breeder of pit bulls and on discovering that one old Frenchman named Bourgeois from Louisiana had pure line of Lightner’s “red nose, immediately got those dogs which were snapped up by breeders later on. From these litters many famous dogs originated, including well-known Red Devil Harvey.
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