Latigo Leather Non-Padded Tracking Harness
Handmade Leather Dog harness for WALKING,Tracking,Training and working

Latigo Leather Dog Harness is comfortable, full adjustable and more than strong enough to be used as a tracking/training harness!
Very Good for easily control your Pitbull from a distance without putting strain on his neck!!
This Dog Harness made of durable, beautiful latigo leather

Latigo Leather Non-Padded Tracking Harness for Pitbull

General "Woof" Tip: Please make sure to check what fittings, hardware or in simple language metal parts are products made of. Some metals or compounds can cause allergy reaction or fur discoloration, it can also be reason for irritation and therefore high vet bills and can make your dog suffer.We use friendly materials in making our products and use “protection pads” approach where it is technically possible. Those small or big pads are used to protect your dog from contact with buckles, which is especially important when you have active dog which likes to run and play around. start reading very useful articles from the beginning please click on here...Dogs feel heat differently than humans do. Plus, cars heat up very quickly inside! Leaving the windows partially open is NOT enough. Parking in the shade WON'T keep the car cool enough. In a matter of a few minutes, your dog could be overcome by heat stroke. It's no joke. Temperatures in a closed automobile will rise approximately 19 degrees in just 10 minutes, 29 degrees in 20 minutes, 34 degrees in 30 minutes, and 43 degrees in an hour! #10 Don't overdo outdoor play time with your dog in the summer. Many dogs are so enthusiastic when it comes to fetching a stick or a ball that they will literally run until they drop from exhaustion. But in hot weather, they may drop from heat stroke before a physical level of exhaustion would normally tell them it was time to rest. #11 Beware of hot pavement underneath your dog's paws. Sun-baked blacktop can easily fry an egg. Imagine standing barefoot on your stove burner. This is what it's like for your dog when their unprotected pads reach the surface of a road, parking lot, or even sidewalks. Try to keep your dog off of hot pavement in the heat of the day. Instead, encourage your dog to walk and play on cool green grass. #12 Provide ways to keep your dog cool. Portable fans can generate a breeze that will help lessen the impact of hot weather. Some ideas: Place a tarp over your dogs kennel to give him a shaded space. Freeze water in 2-liter bottles and place them in your dog's crate. Cooling mats are available for dogs; some of them contain a crystal material that turns into a gel when wet, allowing them to remain wet and cool for a longer period. Frozen dog treats will keep your dog cool and give your dog something fun to do outdoors on hot summer days. #13 Don't use a glass dog water bowl outdoors. A glass water dish acts just like a magnifying glass when left in direct sunlight on a wooden surface (like your deck). Just the same, a round bottom bowl placed in a wire rack can concentrate the sun's rays and cause a fire that could actually burn your house down. #14 Avoid taking our dog to crowed summer events. Taking your dog along to the local festival may sound like fun, but large crowds (and the excitement and confusion they create) can be very stressful for dogs, both physically and emotionally. #15 Never leave your dog unattended around the pool. Not all dogs are good swimmers! Just like a small child, when a dog unexpectedly falls in the water he may not be able to get back out on his own. The sides of the pool typically pose a problem for a dog's short legs. Summer is a time for fun. It's also a time to be cautious and conscientious. It's up to you to watch for health and safety issues that may adversely affect your dog during the hot summer months. Signs of heat exhaustion include: red gums, excessive panting, looking tired, dehydration, and excessive thirst. Cool your dog off with a spray of water or cool towels on his head and chest, and give him plenty of water. Signs of heat stroke include: pale gums, lethargy, extreme dehydration, and a very high temperature. This is an emergency! Take your dog to a veterinarian immediately.. start reading very useful articles from the beginning please click on here...