offers Ideal Dog Harness for Canicross sport fit for PITBULL
This full adjustable dog harness designed for Canicross dogs and working dogs also it is still lightweight and comfortable for EVERYDAY dog use!

Nylon Harness for Canicross-PITBULL Harness
Made of quality super strong 2 inch nylon
3 Quality welded heavy duty stitched D ring
2 inch side and down light weight release 2 buckles
Carry heavy duty stitched handle!
Aslo this Nylon Canicross nylon dog harness good for:
Service dogs, Search dogs, Rescue dogs, Security dogs and Working dogs
also you can use this dog harness for agitation dog training!!!!
Dog training harness with handle
This working Dog harness goes with a
pair of ID patches!!
Patches available:
- Search & Rescue
- Security dog
- Therapy dog
- In training
- Military- K9
- Customs
- Police-K9
- Service dog
- Sheriff
- Guide Dog
- Blank patches for you to write what you need
Patches for dog harness
How to tell if your dog is overweight Obesity is among the most serious health problems for todays canine. Overweight dogs are unhappy dogs and this article will share with you, how to tell if your dog is overweight, ideas on how to reduce your dogs weight, and how to maintain the weight loss. Genetic make up, the dog is not as energetic as it once was, other health problems, are all causes of obesity in dogs. Identifying if your dog has a health problem that causes them to gain weight is the first step in figuring out how to take the weight off. Working closely with your vet you can determine a proper diet and exercise program to take off those unwanted pounds. How can you tell if your dog is overweight? In order to get an accurate assessment on your dogs weight you should check three areas. The ribs, neck and hips. Some dogs carry their fat in different places. Older dogs for example carry a lot of their fat in their neck area. Some in their hips and others along their sides. By checking all three areas you cover your bases and get a better picture about your dogs weight. Checking the ribs: Standing over top your dog with them securely between your legs, place both thumbs on the spine. Now slowly run your fingers along their rib cage on both sides. You should be able to feel the bones of the ribs without any pressure. If you have to increase your pressure to feel the rib bones your dog is overweight. Checking the neck: Push your index finger and your thumb deep into the side of your dogs neck. Now try to touch your finger and thumb together at the tips. If your finger and thumb are more than a quarter inch apart your dog is overweight.. continue reading this article please click on here...