Our Store introduces NEW Leather Padded Chest Plate Dog Harness for Pitbull.
It can be used for walking, training, tracking, agitation or everyday walking.
Unlike nylon harness which cannot be strong enough due to material nature this harness is durable, so you can be confident walking your Pitbull or tracking your Pitbull.
Check the video review for this Pitbull Harness
It is made of selected materials, finest quality 100% full grain leather so you can use it for years!
Brass D ring which will not rust stitched on the top of the harness so you can connect the lead!
Also this is not kind of harness your dog will be able to escape when it is perfectly fitted and adjusted - think about it - it is extremely important.
When you buy this harness you have also an option to add a comfortable handle, that will allow you to be in control of your dog while it is off the lead.
The handle designed in such a way that it does not interfere with leash or with dogs movement and it has round plastic tube inside to fit grip of the palm in natural way.
Be in control of your Pitbull finally.
Padded Chest Plate Dog Harness for PitbullGeneral "Woof" Tip: Please make sure to check what fittings, hardware or in simple language metal parts are products made of. Some metals or compounds can cause allergy reaction or fur discoloration, it can also be reason for irritation and therefore high vet bills and can make your dog suffer.
We use friendly materials in making our products and use “protection pads” approach where it is technically possible. Those small or big pads are used to protect your dog from contact with buckles, which is especially important when you have active dog which likes to run and play around.
Check how this harness looks on Pitbull / Our Video

..to start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....Skijoring is a very famous kind of towing. Annually skijoring championship and competitions are navigated in many countries. Skijoring is related to winter sports, original contestations of working dogs. It is a very exciting entertainment to watch the dogs sledge their owners or tow them on ski when passing various distances for time. Besides attending the competitions, it is possible to find a lot of interesting occupations with this dog: in summer the dog can tow you on the water, in spring and autumn one can bicycle or rollerblade with it and so on. Weight pulling is a power kind of towing. This competition is well- known all over the globe. It is an endurance game, when the dogs show their strength and will to victory. Unlike skijoring where the dog tows small load for long distance, weight pulling is towage of biggest load by the dog for short distance. Dog, put to special cart-type equipment mounted on rails, tows cargo which weight is often several times more than the dog’s. The competitions are held according to different weight categories. The dog that brings a greatest load to a finishing line faster than other dogs is a winner! For your information, Guinness World Records contains a pit bull who tugged a load weighting 1700!!! Kg, taking into consideration that own weight of the dog was a little more than 18 kg. Agility is an overcoming of an obstacle course by the dog during prescribed time. This competition is usually for small and average dogs. Agility is a very cheerful and breath-taking employment for both an owner and his dog. The dog itself or all command gaining less penalty points is a winner. American pit bull terrier is very fit for this kind of competitions due to its natural mobility and dexterity. Springpole is a competition in hanging on a rope. This is arranged for dogs of various breeds, but major participants are APBT and AST. Similar contests are mainly held in United States. In some other countries this kind of hobby-sport is not even popular. Such qualities as persistence, endurance and working capacities come out in the course of this event..
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