What are you looking for when you need to get good reliable walking and tracking harness for your dog?
Is this strength? Is this light weight? Or maybe most important for your next tracking/walking harness to be not restraining?
The kind, which allows your dog to move outdoors freely and easy like there is no harness at all?
Well – our tracking walking dog harness for medium and large dogs has it all.
No need to give up one of the futures , when you have one harness which has it all – strength, light weight and non restrictiveness
Leather Dog Harness for PITBULL Made From The Best Top Quality Leather, Handcrafted with Brass Buckles.
Fully Adjustable on Chest and Neck Straps like most of the harnesses and also adjustable under the belly, please note this future not
Available for all the harnesses , most manufacturers avoid it to cut down on cost and to make harness cheaper.
Do you want to avoid rubbing behind front legs of your dog? Then you need harness with extra adjustment so you can make sure
That around chest strap will be far behind front legs.
Our Leather Dog Harness Fitted with high grade brass buckles at 4 key adjustment points allowing for a custom fit to your dog.

General "Woof" Tip: Is your dog still a puppy? Well I always
recommend to get one of our economic solution products. We make
very nice low price good quality leather collars, muzzles and
harnesses. With muzzle I would recommend to wait until dog fills in,
the only exception is when your dog has some behavior or
aggression issues which must be solved instantly. Please note, that
when you get some products while your dog is not fully grown, it
might lead to the situation when your dog will outgrow a muzzle,
harness or a collar. This is why it is preferable to provide age and
breed of your dog when you place the order.
We use only brass D-ring and other connections that will never rust.
Use this harness for years.
The leather dog harness does not restrict the air flow of the dog in any way.
This is an extremely important feature on a tracking harness during long tracks where the dogs need all the help they can get.
General "Woof" Tip: We treat every order with professionalism and
responsibility, so if we feel that some info should be verified and if
product you selected for your dog is not best choice, we will call or
email with better suggestion.

...to start reading very useful articles from the beginning please click on here...2. Make an eye-catching pet resume. Include cute photos and letters of recommendation from your vet, neighbors, and trainers, showing how well-liked your dog is and how responsible you are. Describe any arrangements you make for your pet while you’re at work or away on vacation. 3. Earn your dog’s CGC title. Ask your trainer how to help your dog become a Canine Good Citizen. This impressive certification helps show landlords that your pet is able to demonstrate the best manners. 4. Offer to purchase renter’s insurance that covers your dog. Liability is every property owner’s biggest concern, so help put them at ease. It is a small price to pay to help your landlord feel good about renting to you. 5. Offer an additional pet deposit to help cover any damages. If you can afford it, this extra cost may be worth it if your dog is able to remain a part of your family. 6. Do not lie about or hide your dog. You’re much safer if you stay honest and if you have the landlord add your dog’s name and breed to the lease. If you decide to hide your dog, you’re at the mercy of ill-informed neighbors who might turn you in! Landlords are more likely to evict dogs when they’re pressured by neighbors or they’re caught off guard. 7. Be an awesome tenant. Pick up after your dog. Don’t let him bark non-stop or annoy others. Don’t let him run loose. Let willing neighbors meet your well-behaved pet so they can support you in ownership. Consider inviting them over for some enjoyable ‘get to know’ time. Wear a thick skin and be polite to those that are ruse or afraid. Make it your mission to help them realize you’re a thoughtful, responsible dog owner with a well loved pet! 8. Be resourceful and persistent. Consider placing a "Dog friendly rental property WANTED" add on Done Deal or Buy&Sell etc. 9. Be patient. It can take time to find a rental that will alow your pet, but patience will pay off. If you’re in a pinch, consider boarding your pet at your vet’s office or boarding facility to keep him safe while you hunt for a pet friendly rental.
Planning an Outdoor Adventure with Your Pit Bull
Pit Bulls love the outdoors. Running trails, romping through the woods and then cooling off in a nice stream is an ideal adventure for any healthy Pit Bull. Before you plan your adventure there are some things you should pay attention to so you can insure a safe adventure. You don't want to end up with a hurt dog because you didn't plan properly.
Bring a First-Aid Kit
Having a first-aid kit for your adventure is an excellent idea. Your first aid kit should contain these basic items:.
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