Looking for Coach Black Leather Dog Collar for your Pitbull?
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* This collar will fit dogs with neck size 18 inch and up to 28 inch (45cm-72cm) please contact us for custom size. Make sure to choose best fit size out of many that we offer.
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Black Leather Dog Collar for Pitbull

Similar to Coach Black Leather Dog Collar for Pitbull

Black Leather Dog Collar for Pitbull
General "Woof" Collar Tip: Is your dog still a puppy? Well I always recommend to get one of our economic solution collars. Plain nylon or leather adjustable collar which is not too wide(probably up to 1 1/4 (30 mm) wide). We make very nice low price good quality leather dog collars. Please note, that when you get some products while your dog is not fully grown, it might lead to the situation when your dog will outgrow a collar.This is why it is preferable to provide age and breed of your dog when you place the collar order. ...to start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....The puppy should not eat anything, for twelve hours before the surgery. This is very important as the food or water can lead to vomiting, when the puppy is sedated. The surgery starts with marking the portion of the ear to be cut. Ears will be cut from the top to the bottom and end near the head. The cut edges will be sutured and the ears will be disinfected. The next step is to attach an aluminum rack or inverted paper cup, around the head of the puppy, so that ears get support from this structure. This helps the ears to achieve that upright look. The puppy has to stay in the hospital for two or more days. The ears will bleed for some days and the puppy may also try to get the brace removed. You may keep the puppy in the hospital or else, take him home (if you can provide with the right aftercare).
Pitbull Ear Cropping Care
The rack has to be kept intact on the puppy's head for a minimum of 21 days or as per the doctor's instructions. Some puppies may take around two to three months. If it gets removed, take the puppy to the doctor and fix the rack again. The surgical site has to be cleaned twice a day and if there is any lesion, antibiotic ointment can be applied. Usually, the suture removal will be done during the seventh day of the surgery. Any delay in suture removal may result in scarring of the ears. In short, the owner has to take utmost care of the puppy, in order to make the surgery a success. So, if you are sure of such commitment from your part, only then proceed with pitbull ear cropping. Pitbull ear cropping prices depends on the surgeon, the dog breed and the ear cropping style. You can make an inquiry with your veterinarian about the pitbull ear cropping cost. In short, pitbull ear cropping is neither mandatory nor is it necessary for the registration of the dog with the concerned authority. It is also a misconception that ear cropping prevents dog ear problems. It is mainly done for cosmetic purposes and is intended to bring a ferocious look in the dog, which would otherwise (with ears) look more cute. Pitbull ear cropping surgery is not unavoidable and in fact, it is banned in most of the European countries and other parts of the world. It is your choice whether to make your dog go through this painful ordeal or not. If you decide to go ahead, be ready to take care of the puppy, so that it does not develop any complications associated with this surgery. The most common ones are immune suppression, moist dermatitis, scarring, ear infection, etc.
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